Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz


Do you like books that suck you in from page 1 and make you not want to stop reading? If so then Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz is the book for you. In Projekt 1065 Michel O’Shaunessey’s and his family are living a fake and fraudulent life under the German dictator Adolf Hitler. Michel finds himself in the Hitler youth pretending to be a good student when all of the sudden he and the other students go looking for a pilot.  Michel, going against everything that he was taught in the Hitler youth, decides to hide the pilot and keep him safe until he can be sent back to his home. One day in Hitler youth, one of his classmates, Fritz, shows Michel the plans that could change the war forever. Michel has to figure out a way to get a hold of these plans or his job as a spy fighting against Hitler could be all over. Although these plans could help change the war, one small slip could end it for him, his family, and everyone involved. Will Michel and his family get their cover blown by the Nazis or will they uncover project 1065 and help defeat the Nazis? To find out, read the book Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz.

If you liked Project 1065 by Alan Gratz you might also like City Spies Book 1 by James Ponti.  These two books connect because Michel and Sara both have a secret organization they are working for and keep many secrets.   In this book, Sara Martinez is a hacker who just hacked into the New York foster care system exposing her foster parents who have been using her and her siblings for money.  Instead of being thanked by the government they decide that she will have to go to juvy unless she can prove her innocence. Then, a mysterious man (called Mother) says he can get her out of court and have her own safe home in Scotland.  Mother gets her released only for Sara to find out what she has just gotten herself into. Sara has just been flown to Scotland to find out she is staying at FARM, while being tested for a mission. This mission has her hacking into a hackers computer and dangling from 30 feet up to catch a notorious villain. To find out what happens read City Spies Book 1 by James Ponti, but don’t forget to also read Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz.